Monday, September 26, 2011

IDEO Video Response

A work environment that encourages out of the box expression was what IDEO found brought out the best in their employees. In IDEO creativity is a way of life not only tool of expression. The employees were handpicked because each one brought something that was completely unique to the group. This collection of architects, biologist, designers, marketers, and engineers has been at the forefront of product design for years. The wide range of backgrounds and point of views that the employees brought aided in this successful innovation in product development. They attack a project in a brainstorming method that encourages left field ideas. This is where the variety of people comes in handy. The unique ideas are then voted on and the best are combined into the new product. This method of turning crazy ideas into useful products is what Industrial Design is about. It is an improvement on everyday things through constructive creativity.       

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