Monday, September 5, 2011


The documentary Objectified was what first introduced me to the field of Industrial Design. My sister, an art student at KU, had been exposed to some work in Industrial Design while working in a gallery. After seeing what it was she informed me I would love Industrial Design and that she was forcing me to watch a documentary on it. I was apprehensive to sit through a documentary on something I was imagining involved steel workers, factories and assembly lines. However, once I started watching it I was hooked. I loved how they made art useful. It was purposeful. It was clever. It was visually pleasing. I had found my career.

Watching Objectified again in class brought back that spark of passion from the first time I watched it. Yet, this time I noticed more. Including how it featured designers with very different backgrounds and opinions. This demonstrated the diversity of design and the designer. It conveyed the message that how you look at the world is who you are as a designer. This made me feel as if there could be a place for my view of the world and room for my design.      

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