Sunday, December 4, 2011

Design impact

The impact of design on my life was a very positive one. I have always been a creative person. This creativity has shown itself in many ways throughout my life. As a child I was constantly designing without even understanding what it meant. When my family would go out to eat I always entertained myself through arranging the sugar and sweetener packets on the table into patterns of pink and white. When it came to my meal I saw not food but the materials that held my next art project in them. Later, the designer in me came out through photography. In framing, composing and capturing an image I was designing through a lens. This grew into a passion of mine as I explored it further in the photo classes I was able to take in high school. Photography gave me the creative outlet I so craved. Then when I started college I took a design course and I was hooked. There I discovered that the creative disciplines of photography I so loved could be combined into this thing called design. Design has always been a part of my life weather or not I realized it at the time. Now, as my understanding of design grows so do the possibilities of how it can further impact my life and its direction.      

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