Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eliminate: Reflections on different parts of the project

From doing this project I learned how to make a book. Which is in no small task. I had never been exposed to this form of are before making it a bit of a challenge as well as more interesting. I am finally starting to understand how to navigate my way through Illustrator so the designing portion was not terribly difficult; however, the printing and construction took quite a bit of work. I was sick through out the project and had missed the lecture on how to make an accordion book. Therefor, my project was the result of much research and late nights.
The letter building part was very enjoyable. We were able to make the letters look clean and cohesive. The brainstorming was my favorite part. I found it challenging to think of a word in three dimensions. Yet, I was very pleased with our result and how we were able to bring a bit of humor to the project and our word.     

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