Friday, December 9, 2011

Pencil sharpener: final concept

The pencil sharpener has been a staple in school supply list for years. Even the smell of freshly sharpened pencils evokes a bit of nostalgia from those early school days. Now, in art school the classic silver sharpener is as common a sight as the drawing pencil itself. Yet, have we truly looked at the practicality of this tool? Is it still the best design for this digital era? The tools of today are sleek and minimal in design. Yet this standard square sharpener is littered with flaws we have simply disregarded. In this new shell inspired design we have improved upon and erased these original errors and brought the pencil sharpener into this new era of design. The sharpener itself is made from 100% recycled material. With the cone shape comes a more natural feel in your hand giving this new design comfort along with aesthetics. The continuous line of the sharpener gives a clean and uncomplicated look and function. The pencil shavings gather inside the cone and make their way to the opening on the side. With having the blade on the inside it also eliminates any chance of harm to its user and keeps their fingers lead free. 

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